Edwin Aldrin, was photographed by Neil Amstrong, commander of Apollo 11, as he walked away from the Eagle, carrying the laser retroreflector array in his right hand and the passive seismic experiments package in his left. Later Armstrong carefully positioned the retroreflector array on the lunar surface about 65 feet from the landing module, as shown on page 39. There had been some concern that the blast of Eagle's ascent stage rocket might cover the array with dust, but the concern proved unfounded. Apollo 11 startete am 16. Juli 1969.
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Entstehungsjahr: -
Format: 6 x 6
Farbe: Schwarz/Weiß
Archivalie: Kleinformat Dia
Signatur: Astr.-D-0163
Alte Signatur: Astr.-KF-B-0040
Author of the digital object
Institut für Astrophysik
750.4 kB
Licence Selected
CC BY 3.0 AT
ÖFOS 2002
ÖFOS 2002
Organization Association
Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy > Department of Astrophysics