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Testing Foundations of Quantum Mechanics at Different Energy Scales. Workshop in Honour of Reinhold A. Bertlmann
Description (de)
Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltungsreihe der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Wien vom 25. bis 27. Juni 2010 im Seminar-Hotel Schneeberghof in Puchberg am Schneeberg In 1935 Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen argued that the quantum theory cannot be complete because – to say it in Einstein’s own words – »there is no spooky interaction at distances«. In 1964 John S. Bell found an inequality to test their arguments. At this time, Reinhold A. Bertlmann was a student of John S. Bell with a strange habit: If one knew the colour of one of his socks, there was a 100% certainty that the other sock did not have the same color. This inspired Bell to a memorable drawing which in turn became the starting point of Bertelmann’s career as a physicist. The workshop »Testing Foundations of Quantum Mechanics at Different Energy Scales« honoured Bertlmann’s scientific contributions and brought together theoretical and experimental physicists from the interdisciplinary field of quantum physics and particle physics with the aim to find proposals for new experiments in near future. Teil 1A: Ivette Fuentes-Schuller: Relativistic Quantum Information Theory (erster Teil) Teil 1B: Ivette Fuentes-Schuller: Relativistic Quantum Information Theory (zweiter Teil) Teil 2: Beatrix C. Hiesmayr: Bertlmann's Socks and Particle Physics Teil 3: Renate Bertlmann: Life with a Physicist Teil 4A: Catalina Curceanu: Stepping into Bertlmann's Socks: Some Experimental Tests on Quantum Mechanics (erster Teil) Teil 4B: Catalina Curceanu: Stepping into Bertlmann's Socks: Some Experimental Tests on Quantum Mechanics (zweiter Teil) Teil 5: Reinhold Bertlmann: Magic Moments of a Physicist Teil 6A: Nikolaos Mavromatos: Quantum Gravity and Entangled Particle States (erster Teil) Teil 6B: Nikolaos Mavromatos: Quantum Gravity and Entangled Particle States (zweiter Teil) Teil 7A: Katharina Durstberger: Quantum Physics With Neutrons - Theory & Experiment (erster Teil) Teil 7B: Yuji Hasegawa: Quantum Physics With Neutrons - Theory & Experiment (zweiter Teil) Teil 8: Ausgewählte Höhepunkte. Ein Feature von Daniel Winkler
Keywords (de)
Quantenphysik, Quanteninformation
Institutional Repository
Österreichische Zentralbibliothek für Physik
Information Assistant - Verein für Informationsmanagement
4.1 GB
Requirements for the Use of the Object (de)
MPEG2 kompatibler Mediaplayer
Description or Additional Data (de)
(C) Information Assistant - Verein für Informationsmanagement
ÖFOS 2002
Quantum mechanics
Organization Association
Vienna University Library and Archive Services
Members (12)
Object type
07.09.2010 04:06:53