Description (de)
Die Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Wien
Die Universitätsbibliothek Wien, die mit dem Archiv der Universität Wien organisatorisch zur Dienstleistungseinrichtung Bibliotheks- und Archivwesen verbunden ist, versteht sich als Informationskompetenzzentrum der Universität Wien und ist bestrebt, den Forschenden, Lehrenden und Studierenden den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten. In erster Linie ist die Universitätsbibliothek für eine optimale Informationsversorgung aller Universitätsangehörigen verantwortlich, steht aber auch der interessierten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung.
Mit einem Bestand von über 6,6 Millionen Büchern ist die Universitätsbibliothek Wien die größte Bibliothek Österreichs; gleichzeitig ist sie die älteste Universitätsbibliothek im deutschen Sprachraum (Gründung 1365). Ursprünglich an der Stelle des heutigen Universitätsplatzes angesiedelt, folgte die Bibliothek im Jahr 1884 der Universität in das Haus auf dem Ring nach.
Description (en)
Vienna University Library and Archive Services
Vienna University Library and Archive Services provide a rich service infrastructure to support members of the University of Vienna in their research, teaching and learning. Founded in 1365, the library is the oldest university library in the German-speaking world. With holdings that include nearly 6.7 million bound volumes as well as archive materials and manuscripts, it is also by far the largest academic library in Austria. In order to provide the academic community of Vienna University with scholarly and scientific information, the library subscribes to around 11,500 journals in print form and offers access to nearly 1,000 databases and over 31,000 electronic journals and other electronic services.
Over the years Vienna University Library has acquired expert knowledge and experience in the area of technical innovation of academic library services. The Library has built an institutional repository for Vienna University with the aim to harvest and preserve e-publications and documents with web applications. The infrastructure has been devised so that the interoperability with other repositories is ensured. Vienna University Library offers the academic community of Vienna University digital asset management, self archiving and collaborative archiving solutions with a view to the long term preservation of data. Library services include training librarians, academic and administrative staff in managing, retrieving and distributing electronic materials from institutional and distributed repositories.With "Phaidra" (Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets), Vienna University Library has not only developed a repository that interoperates with the library's own research and activities documentation database (RAD) but one that is the core of the institutional repository of the University. "Phaidra" is also used by other Universities and Institutions