Dry stone wall, Taqqat n-Muḍzli, Asif Mllull region, Morocco
Photograph by Wolfgang Kraus
Wolfgang Kraus
Wolfgang Kraus
Description (eng)
Detail of a dry stone wall enclosing a field in Taqqat n-Muḍzli, a side valley of the Asif Mllull valley. Photograph taken June 15, 1985 during ethnographic fieldwork in the central High Atlas mountains in Morocco.
Remark (deu)
eda – Ethnographisches Datenarchiv/UB Wien | eda – Ethnographic Data Archive/Vienna University Library
Remark (eng)
Related objects: o:990485 (Transcription guide); o:1065750 (Context data)
Digitization note (eng)
Digitized by Wolfgang Kraus: negative copied with Pentax K-1 camera (Grey gamma 2.2, 16bpc)