Video recording of the FAIR Office Austria launch event that took place on June 9th, 2021, as part of the FAIR Data Austria Project.
1. Introduction - Tereza Kalová
2. Welcome - Ronald Maier (Start: 00:01:44)
3. GOing FAIR (Inter)nationally - Hana Pergl Sustkova (Start: 00:06:52)
4. GO FAIR in Practice: The Discovery Implementation Network - Peter Kraker (Start: 00:21:35)
5. Web of FAIR Data and Services – European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): The Austrian Use Case - Stefan Hanslik and Paolo Budroni (Start: 00:35:00)
6. Making Public Data FAIR - Martin Semberger (Start: 00:53:28)
7. FAIR Office Austria: an initiative to connect research communities and service providers - Barbara Sánchez (Start: 01:08:20)
8. FAIR Research @ TU Graz - Stefanie Lindstaedt (Start: 01:19:12)
FAIR Office Austria Website
FAIR Data Austria project
Keywords (en)
FAIR Office Austria, Launch, FAIR Data Austria project
Author of the digital object
Tereza Kalová (Universität Wien)
Ronald Maier (Universität Wien)
Hana Pergl Sustkova (GO FAIR International Support and Coordination Office)