Abstract (eng)
The beginning of a new century is characterized by expectations of the new start and the change - also in literature. So the change to the 21st century inspires us to find out which new stream of the history of literature is to add to the popular women’s literature in Denmark.
The initial point of the existing thesis is reasoned, that there is no generation of authors any more, otherwise the literary market of the 21st century is marked by plurality as well in quantitative as also in qualitative regard – a circumstance that makes a general overview about literature and in-depth analyses of single acts more difficult.
The existing thesis is a trial to counteract this deficit and to contribute to the exploration of the Danish women’s literature. There should be demonstrated significant tendencies of the ´Danish women’s literature of the 21st century by a thematic analysis of four selected novels.
An overview about the Danish women’s literature is put in front of the single analyses, incipient in the 70’s, in this age in which women as a result of the new women’s movement appear as a group for the first time and became accepted. This stream is represented by a multitude of women, which identified themselves with the ideas of the women’s movement. Inspired by the slogan ”The private is political”, many acts were written, which were labelled with the expression ”avowal literature”. The main representatives are Vita Andersen, Bente Clod, Dea Trier Mørch. In the 80’s a lyric boom replaced the emancipational literature. The main representatives are Pia Tafdrup, Juliane Preisler und Merete Torp. With the beginning of the 90’s the tendencies changed in the literature, which go along with the social changes and the globalisation. The minimalism won through as a dominant stream which was understood as expression of the new view of life.
The minimalism is interesting insofar as the stream primarly of women like Christina Hesselholdt, Solvej Balle, Merete Pryds Helle, Katrine Marie Guldager or Helle Helle was borne and the women`s literature experienced a new predominance. Finally the minimalism ran out and the female authors looked for new forms. The literature is characterized by pluralism at the end of the millennium. There are surrealistic prosa texts and poetry as well as novels, which appear as a chronic or in a traditional form.
Nevertheless there are tendencies, for instance the attention towards biographies and memories and the historical novel. Among the different forms of creation there is the so called everyday life realism. In what extend these tendencies are picked up in the literature will be demonstrated by the following examples; Det vi ved (What we know) from Anne-Lise Marstrand-Jørgensen, Rygsvømmeren (The Backstroker) from Leonora Christina Skov, Alt forladt (Everything left) from Helle Højland sowie Hengivelsen (Devotion) from Pia Tafdrup.
The analyses are confirmed by opinions and attitudes of the female authors. In the interviews made by myself with the authors clear points of view are adhered to the tendencies in the poetic work.