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Title (deu)
Modulation der Expression des Agouti-Gens unter Einfluss von Methyldonatoren
Natalia Illetschko
Jürgen König
Jürgen König
Abstract (deu)
Adipoitas, Diabetes und kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen haben sich immer mehr zu einer Volkskrankheit entwickelt. Diverse Umweltbelastungen in der frühen Entwicklung spielen eine Rolle in der Krankheitsanfälligkeit im späteren Leben, und scheinen transgenerationale Effekte zu haben. Epigenetische Modifikationen bieten eine plausible Verbindung zwischen der Umwelt und Veränderungen in der Genexpression. Besonderes Interesse gilt den Methyldonatoren, die eine funktionelle Gruppe abgeben, und dadurch die Histonmodifikationen und die Chromatinstruktur beeinflussen können. Die "viable - yellow" Mäuse zeigen als erstes epigenetisches Beispiel, dass man durch bestimmte Nahrungseinflüsse (Methyldonatoren) das Risiko an Adipoitas zu erkranken, signifikant reduzieren kann.
Abstract (eng)
Epigenetics is a young and increasing field of Research, and provides the possibility to change the epigenome through certain nutritional influences, like Methyldonors. Methyldonors are Folic acid, Vitamin B6, Betaine, Choline and Vitamin B12. Without a doubt, there is a relationship between these nutritional factors. It has been proven that Methyldonors can modify the DNA-Sequence without altering the DNA itself. That rises the intrest, that certain nutritional influences can change the DNA - Sequenz through modifying the Chromatinstrucuture and Histontails, because a Methyldonor can provide the Methylgroup in the One Carbon Metabolism and influences therefore the Genexpression. Methyldonors are admitted through Food products, and can even be supplemented. Since Obesity, Diabetes mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease are recognized as a widespread disease, and the number of Diseases rises every year, Intervention and Therapie Treatment are getting more important for researchers. One important question is, if there is a possibiltiy to change or control the Epigenom through nutritional influences.Certain Environment expositons in the early development in the embryo have the ability to change the epigenome. Another question is, if there is a transgenerational inheritance, which can be obtained in the future generations, and also have a positve effect on the offspring. Researchers focused on the Agouti Mouse Model, that was the first epigentic example, it showed that Nutrition can alter the Epigenome through decrease of the obesity suszeptibility. How this studys can be turnable on the human ist discussed. The murine agouti Gen is expressed in the hair follicle und switches the coat color from yellow to brown, the human ortholog ist expressed in the Adipocyte.
Keywords (deu)
Agouti - ProteinAgouti - GenMethyldonatorenFolsäureCobalaminHistonmodifikation"viable - yellow"Adipositas
Type (deu)
Persistent identifier
rdau:P60550 (deu)
IX, 109 S. : graph. Darst.
Number of pages
Members (1)
Title (deu)
Modulation der Expression des Agouti-Gens unter Einfluss von Methyldonatoren
Natalia Illetschko
Abstract (deu)
Adipoitas, Diabetes und kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen haben sich immer mehr zu einer Volkskrankheit entwickelt. Diverse Umweltbelastungen in der frühen Entwicklung spielen eine Rolle in der Krankheitsanfälligkeit im späteren Leben, und scheinen transgenerationale Effekte zu haben. Epigenetische Modifikationen bieten eine plausible Verbindung zwischen der Umwelt und Veränderungen in der Genexpression. Besonderes Interesse gilt den Methyldonatoren, die eine funktionelle Gruppe abgeben, und dadurch die Histonmodifikationen und die Chromatinstruktur beeinflussen können. Die "viable - yellow" Mäuse zeigen als erstes epigenetisches Beispiel, dass man durch bestimmte Nahrungseinflüsse (Methyldonatoren) das Risiko an Adipoitas zu erkranken, signifikant reduzieren kann.
Abstract (eng)
Epigenetics is a young and increasing field of Research, and provides the possibility to change the epigenome through certain nutritional influences, like Methyldonors. Methyldonors are Folic acid, Vitamin B6, Betaine, Choline and Vitamin B12. Without a doubt, there is a relationship between these nutritional factors. It has been proven that Methyldonors can modify the DNA-Sequence without altering the DNA itself. That rises the intrest, that certain nutritional influences can change the DNA - Sequenz through modifying the Chromatinstrucuture and Histontails, because a Methyldonor can provide the Methylgroup in the One Carbon Metabolism and influences therefore the Genexpression. Methyldonors are admitted through Food products, and can even be supplemented. Since Obesity, Diabetes mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease are recognized as a widespread disease, and the number of Diseases rises every year, Intervention and Therapie Treatment are getting more important for researchers. One important question is, if there is a possibiltiy to change or control the Epigenom through nutritional influences.Certain Environment expositons in the early development in the embryo have the ability to change the epigenome. Another question is, if there is a transgenerational inheritance, which can be obtained in the future generations, and also have a positve effect on the offspring. Researchers focused on the Agouti Mouse Model, that was the first epigentic example, it showed that Nutrition can alter the Epigenome through decrease of the obesity suszeptibility. How this studys can be turnable on the human ist discussed. The murine agouti Gen is expressed in the hair follicle und switches the coat color from yellow to brown, the human ortholog ist expressed in the Adipocyte.
Keywords (deu)
Agouti - ProteinAgouti - GenMethyldonatorenFolsäureCobalaminHistonmodifikation"viable - yellow"Adipositas
Type (deu)
Persistent identifier
Number of pages