In dieser wissenschaftlichen Studie geht es um den Versuch einer Adaptierung
eines aus der Steuerpsychologie stammenden Modells, dem Slippery Slope
Framework (Kirchler, 2007; Kirchler, Hoelzl & Wahl, 2008; Gangl, Homann, Pollai
& Kirchler, 2012), in den Organisationskontext. Die Autorin dieser Arbeit hat die in
dem Modell enthaltenen Dimensionen Macht, ausgehend von der Organisation,
Vertrauen in die Organisation und die Auswirkung derer auf die Komponente
Kooperation (im Organisationskontext durch Commitment adaptiert) im Rahmen
einer Mitarbeiter/innenbefragung anhand eines Fragebogens durchgeführt.
In this scientific study is an attempt at adapting a product originating in the tax psychology model, the Slippery Slope Framework (Kirchler, 2007; Kirchler, Hoelzl & election 2008, Gangl, Homann, Pollai & Kirchler, 2012), into the organizational context. The author of this occupation has included dimensions of power based on the organization, trust in the organization and the impact of those carried out on the component cooperation (in the organizational context through adapted commitment) in a staff internal survey based on a questionnaire. The survey was conducted in three different hospitals in Austria and thus achieved a total sample of n = 556 participants.
As a result, it can be noted that the adaptation is in principle possible in some areas, but has weaknesses based on this questionnaire study and therefore it cannot be portable fully in this work. It should be noted that based on the legitimate power of the company an impact on normative and affective commitment is given, which is in the tax context equated with voluntary compliance. Coercive power in the other hand shows only an ethic moral commitment (continuance commitment) to the company, whereas the dimension of trust in the organization acts on both enforced (continuance commitment), as well as voluntary compliance (affective and normative commitment). In influencing the continuance commitment should be noted however, that a positive influence of trust is present, which would be contrary to the assumption of the expected effect.
In dieser wissenschaftlichen Studie geht es um den Versuch einer Adaptierung
eines aus der Steuerpsychologie stammenden Modells, dem Slippery Slope
Framework (Kirchler, 2007; Kirchler, Hoelzl & Wahl, 2008; Gangl, Homann, Pollai
& Kirchler, 2012), in den Organisationskontext. Die Autorin dieser Arbeit hat die in
dem Modell enthaltenen Dimensionen Macht, ausgehend von der Organisation,
Vertrauen in die Organisation und die Auswirkung derer auf die Komponente
Kooperation (im Organisationskontext durch Commitment adaptiert) im Rahmen
einer Mitarbeiter/innenbefragung anhand eines Fragebogens durchgeführt.
In this scientific study is an attempt at adapting a product originating in the tax psychology model, the Slippery Slope Framework (Kirchler, 2007; Kirchler, Hoelzl & election 2008, Gangl, Homann, Pollai & Kirchler, 2012), into the organizational context. The author of this occupation has included dimensions of power based on the organization, trust in the organization and the impact of those carried out on the component cooperation (in the organizational context through adapted commitment) in a staff internal survey based on a questionnaire. The survey was conducted in three different hospitals in Austria and thus achieved a total sample of n = 556 participants.
As a result, it can be noted that the adaptation is in principle possible in some areas, but has weaknesses based on this questionnaire study and therefore it cannot be portable fully in this work. It should be noted that based on the legitimate power of the company an impact on normative and affective commitment is given, which is in the tax context equated with voluntary compliance. Coercive power in the other hand shows only an ethic moral commitment (continuance commitment) to the company, whereas the dimension of trust in the organization acts on both enforced (continuance commitment), as well as voluntary compliance (affective and normative commitment). In influencing the continuance commitment should be noted however, that a positive influence of trust is present, which would be contrary to the assumption of the expected effect.