Abstract (eng)
This thesis deals with a currently debated topic: The potential of Imams, who are the religious scholars of Islam, in regard to the integration of Muslim immigrants in Austria. Particular attention is given to the roles, to which they’ve been ascribed to, throughout the course of the debate.
In order to form a theoretical framework for the later observations , the concepts and terms "religion", "religious" and "integration" are first explained and then defined for this paper. After a critical analysis of the current integration concepts in Austria and Europe, a further chapter is dedicated to dealing with the role of religion in social inclusion- and exclusion processes, which is often neglected in research.
After a brief historical overview of migration from Muslim countries to Austria, it is elaborated why, in relation to the legal situation of Islam, Austria is repeatedly referred to as "extraordinary" in literature. Followed by the representation of the current legal situation of the Imams in this country, is a cross-section of the major Islamic organizations in Austria.
The professional field of the Imams is then discussed in detail. After a clarification of the term "Imam", their functions, responsibilities and the challenges that they have to overcome as Islamic scholars in Austria, are carefully analyzed. The chapter also discusses the education and training background of the Imams in this country, as well as the preparation for the varied tasks in Austria.
The research question is answered, based on the research section, which consists of a qualitative content analysis. First, the underlying understanding of integration from the texts of the respective participants is analyzed, after which, the question of what role assignments and expectations the participants have of the Imams in Austria, in terms of integration, is closely examined. Finally, this paper aims to shed light on the different expectations and motivations that stand behind the planned academic training of imams in Austria.