Abstract (eng)
In recent years the work of faith-based organisations has increasingly become a focus of attention in development research. Up until then the role of religion and faith-based actors in development processes was ignored entirely. There are hardly any scientific contributions broaching the issue of faith-based actors in development cooperation in the German-speaking scientific community, even though, for instance, in Austria faith-based, catholic organisations have substantially formed development cooperation.
Against this background, the thesis at hand explores the understanding of religion in catholic, faith-based development organisations in Austria. Subject matter of this investigation are the organisations Caritas, DKA Austria - The Catholic Children’s Movement of Austria, Jugend Eine Welt - Don Bosco Aktion Austria, Katholische Frauenbewegung, Koordinierungsstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz für internationale Entwicklung und Mission, und Missio - Päpstliche Missionswerke.
Eight expert interviews with employees and former employees of the above named organisations provided fundamental insights into areas of work in which religion and spirituality are apparent, into cooperation with subjects of the ecclesiastical hierarchy as well as into the self-conception of the organisations in question.
The findings of the interviews are embedded into an analysis of official documents of the organisations, their guiding principles and their historic context of evolution.
The interviewed experts’ understanding of religion varies in its specifications: On the one hand, one can identify an instrumental understanding of religion, which gives priority to the benefits of a faith-based organisation background. On the other hand, an understanding of religion, which acknowledges the intrinsic value of religion as formative power leading the way in development cooperation, can be observed.
The understanding of development is mainly influenced and guided by the social teachings of the Catholic Church. Development is perceived as a holistic process with the goal of “life in abundance” for all people.