Abstract (eng)
This diploma thesis aims at researching the sport system in international schools and
compares it with austrian public schools. Especially the role of competitive sports , which
can be done in the afternoon right after school and which are part oft he sports programme,
and furthermore the role of coaches are „untersucht“. Tob e more precisely the diploma
thesis tried to find differences between the regular PE lessons and the afternoon sport
programme. For doing that work, a theoretical research and 10 interviews helped.
The first part of the diploma theses consists of a literature research, which should provide
the basic theoretcal knowledge for this topic. In a second part interviews are done, which
prove the thesis and also correct and ergänzen it.
First of all the basics concerning international schools are worked out with different
literature, secondly the sportprogramm is analysed by case studies and actual articles.
Not the working on problemsolving for creating a new kind of PE lessons is impotant, it is
just to show the possibilities of „einbetten“ sport into a school system. It is about bringing
pupils to different kind of sports.
In the center oft he second part of the diploma thesis is a qualitative research concerning
the sport programm in the Vienna International school, which is representative for all other
IB schools.
10 Interviews, 8 times with pupils oft he age from 14 to 18 and two with the sports director
and a coach were done. With the aid of a qualitative content analysis the interviews were
categorised, evaluated and, in a subsequent step, analysed with regards tot he sportive
As a result it is to say, that both, the theoretical research and also the interviews show, that
pupils in international schools have more possibilities to do sports than in public schools.
Sport has an important role in the pupils` daily school life, but it is to mention, that the
afternoon sport activities are more important than the regular PE lessons.
Details on the qualitative research can be read in capitel 11 and 12