Abstract (eng)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of regional variation of Italian by focusing on one language variety in particular, namely the spoken language in Emilia-Romagna. Being the most southern region of northern Italy, Emilia-Romagna is situated in a highly interesting position from a linguistic point of view. Along the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines runs the so-called linea La Spezia-Rimini, a bundle of isoglosses that separate the north Italian dialects from the middle and south Italian dialects (Rohlfs 1997; Serianni & Antonelli 2011). The aim of this thesis is, thus, to show the similarities and, most importantly, the differences between the language spoken in Emilia-Romagna and the other north Italian varieties on the level of phonetics, morphology, syntax and lexis.
The first part of this thesis discusses various theoretical concepts related to geographical language variation. With regard to diachronic variation, it is important to mention that – compared to other European language areas – the concept of regional language is a rather new phenomenon in Italy. As a matter of fact, it came into being only in the first half of the 20th century, due to the encounter between the Italian standard language and the numerous dialects spoken on the Italian peninsula (Sobrero 1988: 736).
The second part of this thesis offers a linguistic analysis of three language recordings, featuring speakers who mainly come from the area of Porretta Terme, a town located in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, in the province of Bologna. The analysis of the three spoken texts allowed to identify various general features of the spoken language as well as specific characteristics of the north Italian varieties (l’italiano settentrionale) and the Emilian regional language, discussed in the first part of the thesis. The most distinct differences were perceived in the field of phonetics, which, together with intonation, is the area most subject to dialectal interference (Cerrutti 2009: 36). As it became clear from both the theoretical discussion and the linguistic analysis, Emilia-Romagna also offers a rich variety of regional vocabulary, which is the result of interference from both the standard language and the numerous dialects spoken in the region.