Abstract (eng)
Research regarding participatory approaches in different areas of studies is booming: participation has conjuncture. It is a constitutive element and strategic principle in the context of a sustainable city(-section-)development. The fact that social and economical polarization within cities and regions leads to growing division in societies is triggering increasing challenges in urban living environments. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), which was held in Rio de Janeiro (1992) adopted the “Agenda 21“. This agenda is regarded as the beginning of a future-proof obligation to act towards a sustainable development as well as the foundation of a participative guiding concept. The theoretical foundation of this thesis discusses the citizen ́s participation as part of a sustainable city(-section-)development, scientifically and politically. Following this, the thesis covers the empirical survey of the Viennese participation projects “Grätzloase“ and “Miteinander in Mariahilf“. An analysis of a qualitative case study addresses the question, how far the participative initiatives affect the city sections and what influence hybrid projects has on the sustainable local development. The conclusion depicts the central test results of this thesis.