Abstract (eng)
NFTs (non-fungible-tokens) are, simply put, digital artworks also known as crypto-art that can be traded on blockchain technology. This results in three key areas for this master's thesis: blockchain technology, the cryptocurrency sector, and the art sector. All three areas are characterized by a lack of gender diversity and gender equality. Therefore, both blockchain technology and NFTs as part of the cryptocurrency sector will be looked at in more detail on a technological, societal, and intersectional level in order to then be able to highlight from a feminist perspective the problems that arise IIIregarding discrimination against women in these areas. Women are also oppressed, excluded, and discriminated against in the arts field. NFTs are also part of the art field, therefore a detailed review of the history of art that discriminates against women is given, which also includes critical voices of feminists. The innovative contribution of this master thesis is therefore to find out by means of interviews whether NFTs have a potential for change here and whether female artists can become financially independent, more successful, and more self-determined regarding their art through NFTs. This is also considered from an intersectional perspective. Since this is a rapidly changing area, the risks cannot be ignored. The evaluation of the interviews shows that financial independence can be achieved at least in part through NFTs. Furthermore, NFTs have a potential in terms of diversity, inclusion, self-determination, visibility, and empowerment. Risks arise due to the uncertain crypto market.