Description (eng)
Collection of data and scripts for Aiko Voigt, Stefanie North, Blaz Gasparini, and Seung-Hee Ham, 2024, Atmospheric cloud-radiative heating in CMIP6 and observations, and its response to surface warming, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
- Main code repository for Voigt et al., ACP, 2024: CMIP download, analysis and plotting scripts for CMIP6 data; also contains plotting scripts for satellite data
- Scripts for CloudSat/Calipso 2B-FLXHR-LIDAR data: scripts to produce climatologies of atmospheric radiative heating from satellite product 2B-FLXHR-LIDAR
- CMIP6 postprocessed data for Voigt et al., ACP, 2024 - Part 1: postprocessed atmospheric radiative heating rates
- CMIP6 postprocessed data for Voigt et al., ACP, 2024 - Part 2: postprocessed atmospheric temperature, cloud fraction, geopotential height and tropopause pressure