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o:1898095 JSON-LD
"@value": "Commentary on ECtHR ruling on homophobic hate speech and the limits of freedom of expression" "bf:provisionActivity":
"@type": "bf:Publication", "@value": "hate speech; freedom of expression; Art. 17 ECHR; Art 10 ECHR" "@value": "Homophobe Äußerungen, ein Bischof und die Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit" "@value": "Kurzkommentar zu EGMR 31.08.2023 - 47833/20, Amvrosios-Athanasios Lenis ./. Griechenland" "@value": "ÖFOS 2012 -- SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTEN (5) -- Rechtswissenschaften (505) -- Rechtswissenschaften (5050) -- Grundrechte (505006)" "@value": "ÖFOS 2012 -- SOCIAL SCIENCES (5) -- Law (505) -- Law (5050) -- Fundamental rights (505006)" "@value": "Fundamental rights" "" "KurzkommentarZuEGMR20230831LenisGreece4783320.pdf" "" "@value": "journal article" "@value": "Wissenschaftlicher Artikel" "" "@type": "schema:CreativeWork", "@value": "" "@value": "10.25365/phaidra.435" "@type": "aiiso:Institute", "" "@value": "Institut für Kirchenrecht" "@value": "Department of Church Law" "@type": "schema:Person", "@value": "0000-0001-6332-5820"
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