Interplay of quantum information, foundations and gravity. Teil 5. Rodolfo Gambini: An approach to the measurement problem based on quantum gravity considerations
Description (de)
Workshop »Interplay of quantum information, foundations and gravity«
Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung des Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) am Montag, dem 28. Mai 2018 im Theatersaal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Teil 5: Rodolfo Gambini: An approach to the measurement problem based on quantum gravity considerations
Kamera: Zizhu Wang
Schnitt: Daniel Winkler
Rodolfo Gambini ist Professor an der Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Urugay.
Abstract: In a totally constrained theory as quantum general relativity a complete physical description should be given in terms of observables and relational properties among them. Time evolution may only be described in terms of quantum physical clocks. It is shown that this leads to fundamental modifications of the master equation for the evolution. Limitations in the measurement of time may help to address some of the problems posed by the use of environmental decoherence for the solution of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. This analysis provides a criterion for the occurrence of events in quantum systems and it is known as the Montevideo Interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Kapitel Titel Position
1. Vorspann 00:00:00
2. The measurement problem in quantum mechanics 00:00:08
3. The problem of time in quantum mechanics 00:07:13
4. Uncertainties in the measurement of time 00:21:02
5. Non-observability of quantum superpositions 00:27:06
6. Fundamental undecidability 00:34:14
7. Macro-objectification 00:37:22
8. Questions from the audience 00:43:10
Keywords (de)
Quantenphysik, Zeitmessung, Quantengravitation