You are here: University of Vienna PHAIDRA Detail o:1249079
Title (eng)
Essays in Corporate Governance and Finance
Parallel title (deu)
Essays aus Corporate Governance und Finanzwirtschaft
Simone Hirschvogl
Josef Zechner
Josef Zechner
Marco Becht
Abstract (deu)
Diese Dissertation behandelt die Unternehmensf�ührung ("Corporate Governance") von Unternehmen sowie von Investmentfonds. Das erste Kapitel dieser Arbeit enth�ält eine empirische Studie, die den Wert von Liquidit�ät unter Ber�ücksichtigung von Informationsasymmetrie untersucht. Das zweite Kapitel besch�aftigt sich auch mit Liquidit�ät, der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung liegt aber darin zu er�örtern, wie firmenspezifische Corporate Governance und Anlegerschutz auf L�änderebene den Liquidit�ätsbestand von Firmen beeinflussen. Das letzte Kapitel dieser Arbeit behandelt die Governance-Strukturen von Investmentfonds in Europa. Es wird die gesetzliche Umgebung vorgestellt, sowie viele Vergleiche zu Investmentfonds in Amerika gezogen. Die Analyse beschr�änkt sich auf alle Aktienfonds, die in Luxemburg im ersten Quartal 2007 aktiv waren.
Abstract (eng)
At the core, this thesis is about corporate governance and finance. The first two chapters focus on one situation in corporate finance where agency conflicts are assumed to be severe. This part of the thesis analyzes firms' cash holdings. This is important as Myers and Rajan (1998) observed that it is easier to make cash holdings disappear than to divert, for example, a plant. In specific, the second chapter and the third chapter of this thesis focus on adverse selection and moral hazard in the context of corporate liquidity. Yet, this thesis does not confine itself to corporate finance issues, but takes a wider perspective and also investigates agency relationships in a different environment, i.e. agency problems of mutual funds. This analysis is pursued in the last chapter. The agency relationship in the case of investment companies arises as mutual fund owners typically employ a management company to invest their funds. The management company charges an advisory fee for its services which clearly represents income for the management company, but expenses for mutual fund investors.
Keywords (eng)
information asymmetrycorporate liquiditymutual funds
Keywords (deu)
Subject (deu)
Subject (deu)
Type (deu)
Persistent identifier
rdau:P60550 (deu)
VI, 144 S.
Number of pages
Members (1)
Title (eng)
Essays in Corporate Governance and Finance
Parallel title (deu)
Essays aus Corporate Governance und Finanzwirtschaft
Simone Hirschvogl
Abstract (deu)
Diese Dissertation behandelt die Unternehmensf�ührung ("Corporate Governance") von Unternehmen sowie von Investmentfonds. Das erste Kapitel dieser Arbeit enth�ält eine empirische Studie, die den Wert von Liquidit�ät unter Ber�ücksichtigung von Informationsasymmetrie untersucht. Das zweite Kapitel besch�aftigt sich auch mit Liquidit�ät, der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung liegt aber darin zu er�örtern, wie firmenspezifische Corporate Governance und Anlegerschutz auf L�änderebene den Liquidit�ätsbestand von Firmen beeinflussen. Das letzte Kapitel dieser Arbeit behandelt die Governance-Strukturen von Investmentfonds in Europa. Es wird die gesetzliche Umgebung vorgestellt, sowie viele Vergleiche zu Investmentfonds in Amerika gezogen. Die Analyse beschr�änkt sich auf alle Aktienfonds, die in Luxemburg im ersten Quartal 2007 aktiv waren.
Abstract (eng)
At the core, this thesis is about corporate governance and finance. The first two chapters focus on one situation in corporate finance where agency conflicts are assumed to be severe. This part of the thesis analyzes firms' cash holdings. This is important as Myers and Rajan (1998) observed that it is easier to make cash holdings disappear than to divert, for example, a plant. In specific, the second chapter and the third chapter of this thesis focus on adverse selection and moral hazard in the context of corporate liquidity. Yet, this thesis does not confine itself to corporate finance issues, but takes a wider perspective and also investigates agency relationships in a different environment, i.e. agency problems of mutual funds. This analysis is pursued in the last chapter. The agency relationship in the case of investment companies arises as mutual fund owners typically employ a management company to invest their funds. The management company charges an advisory fee for its services which clearly represents income for the management company, but expenses for mutual fund investors.
Keywords (eng)
information asymmetrycorporate liquiditymutual funds
Keywords (deu)
Subject (deu)
Subject (deu)
Type (deu)
Persistent identifier
Number of pages