Abstract (eng)
This scientifical work explores the work of the Schweizer Haus Hadersdorf, an institution for inpatient, semi-inpatient and outpatient substance abuse therapy. The aim of this thesis is to determine, how success and failure is being determinated by the employees through their work for this institution. The answer to this research question leads through nine qualitative, code of practice interviews, all of which where analysed by the method of qualitative theme analysis (see Froschauer/Lueger 2003).
The outcomes proclaime on the one hand that there is a common understanding of drug addiction being a severe (cronic) disease. But since some sort of „healing“ is not always possible, abstinence is not being seized and does not count as a criterion for success. On the other hand drug addicts are rated as people, responsible for themselves, so that they have to deal with their drug problems on their own. Crises and regression are being seen as part of the disease which have to be dealt with in therapy. The most important goals and tasks of therapy are clarification and support with resumption, saveguarding and relieve for affected people, support and guidances throughout therapy and medical provision of substitutes. Empowerment is an important part of this approach, since self reliance and autonomy is being urged.
A successful relationship between patient and therapist/guardian, a successful therapeutic intervention, which is being expressed through advancement and change of the patient, feedback of clients who are done with therapy and successful therapy closings, which change an unconditional into a conditional punishment, represent important criterions of success for this organisation.