Abstract (eng)
This thesis deals with differences with regard to gender and progress of studies of students and alumni of law. The analysis has been made, using the interest inventory RIASEC-RRK
which was developed by Arendasy and Steiner in 2006. The sample comprises 143 students and alumni from the Viennese area. 81 female and 62 male volunteers took part in this
research, their average age was 26,57. Additionally to the survey of the differences of interests the Holland-Code has been
determined and compared with the occupational code of AIST
(C E S). The result of the research shows a profile of interest of I C E, which means that students and alumni of jurisprudential studies prefer intellectual-researching interests,
followed by conventional and entrepreneurial orientation. The determined Holland-Code shows clear differences from previous results.
Within this study the scales "Realistic", Investigative", "Artistic", as well as their subscales have been analysed for gender-specific differences. In spite of supposed differences in gender
it was not possible to approve them in the scales "Realistic" and "Investigative". Only the "Artistic" - chart and its subscales "A-receptive", "A-reproductive", and "A-creative" show
clear differences as female volunteers achieve significant higher values in these fields.