Abstract (eng)
With this work, different forms of spaces and rooms in the movies of Jim Jarmusch
should be determined and analyzed. Marc Augé´s and de Certeau´s “Theory of space”
and Gilles Deleuze´s filmtheory provide the theoretical basis. This work intends to apply
these theories on the chosen films by Jim Jarmusch and thereby analyze the demonstration
of space in his work. Space and the characters´ movement through this space form
the center of analysis.
A comparison between Jarmuschs films and the Italian Non-Realism cinema forms
another part of this work, which is aimed at finding and understanding Jarmuschs cinematic
inspiration in this type of cinema. Hereby, a comparison between his debut feature
Permanent Vacation and Rosselinis Germany Anno Zero supports a demonstration of this
Why the travelers´ space the archetype of Augés Non-Place is and how this space is displayed
in Jarmuschs films, shall be demonstrated on the basis of Stranger Than Paradise
and Mystery Train.
The exceptional position of Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai within Jarmusch´s work
shall be pointed out. In a comparison with Kassovits La Haine it is displayed how the
platform roof turns into a refuge from Augé´s Non-Place.
In Dead Man, a lyrical room is going to be described. Apart from Augé´s and de Certeau
´s theories, Franz Kafka´s prose is going to be consulted to analyze this specific type
of demonstration of space. The rhyme scheme structure of the film displays a connection
between film and lyric.
An accurate differentiation between Augé´s Non-Place and the anthropological space
shows the analysis of Jarmuschs film Broken Flowers.