Abstract (eng)
This thesis presents various social changes in India since it gained independence from British colonial rule in 1947 and analyses their impact on India’s political system. A central question is to what extent these changes have opened up opportunities for participation and have thus lead to a deepening of democracy.
The paper examines, for example, to what extent the age-old caste system, which has been formally abolished, is still alive in the minds of the people and penetrates many sectors of social life, permitting discrimination of various kinds even today. At the same time, however, political parties which explicitly try to win support among voters of low caste-status have been established. The fact that these parties formulate their political agenda according to the needs of the deprived gives cautious hope that their living conditions may soon improve.
The rise of Hindu-nationalism during the 1980s, particularly the tremendous electoral success of the Bharatiya Janata Party, is another focal point. Hindu-nationalism has lead to enormous tension and violence between Hindus and Muslims and has thus brought religion to the heart of Indian politics, a move which is hardly reconcilable with the principle of secularism laid down in the Indian constitution.
A separate chapter is dedicated to the alienation of the people of Kashmir from India and the insurgency which is already going on for more than twenty years in this part of the country. The question is discussed whether India too bears a certain responsibility for the outbreak of violence. Blatant rigging of elections, interference in the political process of the state and severe violations of human rights by the central security forces strongly point in this direction.
In the concluding section the causes of the serious problem of widespread corruption in India will be examined and its impact on democracy and social equality will be assessed. Furthermore democratic deficites in political institutions such as the police or the courts will be pointed out.