You are here: University of Vienna PHAIDRA Detail o:1287998
Title (deu)
Erhebung des Wissens und der Einstellungen in Hinblick auf Fisch in Ostösterreich (W, NÖ, Bgld)
Yvonne Hollendonner
Petra Rust
Petra Rust
Abstract (eng)
The aim of this thesis was to find out the knowledge and the attitudes of the Eastern-Austria population (Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland) in view of the issue fish. An online-survey was conducted where 362 persons (n♀=256, n♂=106) participated. The findings from the survey should provide insight into the consumer behaviours, knowledge and attitudes of different age groups and education levels. More than half the participants (55.5 %, n=292) come from Vienna, followed by Lower Austria (24.6 %, n=89) und Burgenland (19.6 %, n=71). The mean age of the persons questioned was 39 ± 12 years. The Body Mass Index (BMI) was on average 23.47 ± 4.01 kg/m² (in the range of normal weight). The survey carried out shows that the majority of the participants (37.8 %,n=137) has no knowledge in view of the topic fish. A third of the questioned people (33.4 %, n=121) has moderate knowledge, a quarter (25.7 %, n=93) shows insufficient knowledge. Altogether 11 persons have a good knowledge. None of the people interviewed has a very good knowledge. The examination of the hypotheses led to the following significant results: Women have a better knowledge with regard to fish than men (p<0.001). Persons of higher education level have a better knowledge than persons of lower education level (p<0.001). There is a significant difference between people of different age with regard to the frequency of fish consumption (p<0.001). The following hypotheses have been confirmed: ‘The higher the education level, the more fish is eaten (p<0.01)’ and ‘The higher the net household income, the more often fish is eaten (p<0.001]’. The net household income has an important impact (p<0.05) regarding the responsible purchase of fish (they pay attention to the fishing area)
Keywords (deu)
Type (deu)
Persistent identifier
rdau:P60550 (deu)
153, A30 S. : Ill., graf. Darst.
Number of pages
Members (1)
Title (deu)
Erhebung des Wissens und der Einstellungen in Hinblick auf Fisch in Ostösterreich (W, NÖ, Bgld)
Yvonne Hollendonner
Abstract (eng)
The aim of this thesis was to find out the knowledge and the attitudes of the Eastern-Austria population (Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland) in view of the issue fish. An online-survey was conducted where 362 persons (n♀=256, n♂=106) participated. The findings from the survey should provide insight into the consumer behaviours, knowledge and attitudes of different age groups and education levels. More than half the participants (55.5 %, n=292) come from Vienna, followed by Lower Austria (24.6 %, n=89) und Burgenland (19.6 %, n=71). The mean age of the persons questioned was 39 ± 12 years. The Body Mass Index (BMI) was on average 23.47 ± 4.01 kg/m² (in the range of normal weight). The survey carried out shows that the majority of the participants (37.8 %,n=137) has no knowledge in view of the topic fish. A third of the questioned people (33.4 %, n=121) has moderate knowledge, a quarter (25.7 %, n=93) shows insufficient knowledge. Altogether 11 persons have a good knowledge. None of the people interviewed has a very good knowledge. The examination of the hypotheses led to the following significant results: Women have a better knowledge with regard to fish than men (p<0.001). Persons of higher education level have a better knowledge than persons of lower education level (p<0.001). There is a significant difference between people of different age with regard to the frequency of fish consumption (p<0.001). The following hypotheses have been confirmed: ‘The higher the education level, the more fish is eaten (p<0.01)’ and ‘The higher the net household income, the more often fish is eaten (p<0.001]’. The net household income has an important impact (p<0.05) regarding the responsible purchase of fish (they pay attention to the fishing area)
Keywords (deu)
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Persistent identifier
Number of pages