Abstract (eng)
The separation, identification and quantitation of metabolites in biological systems poses an important, yet challenging field of application in analytical chemistry. Generally, monitoring metabolites and biomolecules in biological samples demands for a reduction of sometimes very high sample complexity. Furthermore, the identification of trace amounts of these analytical targets necessitates the introduction of highly selective and highly sensitive analytical techniques.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a powerful and versatile method for compound separations utilizing a broad range of selectivity principles. The coupling of HPLC with mass spectrometric (MS) detection combines orthogonal selectivities with very high detection sensitivity. Dedicated analyte derivatization procedures can be synergistically employed to introduce a final advance in both detection selectivity and sensitivity.
Amino acids pose the central analytical targets in the present thesis and they were analysed according to a wide spectrum of their biological roles. Cysteine was investigated as an acetaldehyde scavenger to deliver valuable information on the metabolic pathways of alcohol in humans; moreover it was evaluated as a biomarker for recent ethanol consumption.
In a fundamental scientific approach, new enantioselective zwitter ion exchanger chiral stationary phases for liquid chromatography were studied with respect to their ability of preparatively separating amino acid derivatives.
The detection of trace amounts of D – amino acids in biological fluids was established by different HPLC-MS strategies in combination with selectivity enhancing derivatization protocols. For this reason two different labelling strategies were developed. The introduction of a metalloferrocene tag to amino acids facilitated enantioselective separation of most proteinogenic amino acids and enabled very sensitive mass spectrometric detection. In an attempt to further improve these selectivity and sensitivity promoting properties, a methoxyquinolinoyl tag was employed that allowed for the enantioseparation of all chiral proteinogenic amino acids, delivered supreme mass spectrometric detectability and moreover introduced fluorescence activity. Thereby this labelling approach additionally offered the applicability to highly sensitive LC methods with fluorescence detection.
Finally, structural information of protein complexes was gathered in approaches involving the covalent crosslinking between the lysine side chains of protein regions in close proximity and consecutive proteolytic digest of the proteins. Due to a very high number of chemically similar matrix constituents, protein crosslinking experiments demanded for ultimate separation capability of liquid chromatography and pushed the performance of MS detection towards its limits. Thus, enrichment of the generated cross linked peptides via size exclusion fractionation and nano – HPLC – high resolution mass spectrometric detection were employed to deliver this analytical peak performance.
Essentially, the successful outcome of the experiments was generally associated with the complementary contribution of chemical derivatization, chromatographic separation and tandem mass spectrometric detection to overall method selectivity and sensitivity.