Abstract (eng)
There is a high probability that the Ossiacher Tauern (Carinthia), as a part of the austroalpine basement, have a separate pre alpidic metamorphic history. To prove this guess a study of the metamorphic history was done.
Therefor samples from the Millstatt complex were compared with samples from the Ossiacher Tauern. This master theses contains a macroscopic and microscopic description of the samples. From each rock type the whole rock chemistry was measured using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry and from se- lected samples the mineral chemistry measured using an electron micro probe. Two samples were chosen to make a detailed profile of garnet porphyroblasts. From the same samples equilibrium assemblage diagrams were calculated for the initial rock chemistry. To estimate the pressure and temperature conditi- ons for the garnet growth, garnetisopleththermobarometry was used.
During field work the border could be located in the region east of the castle ruin Landskron (Villach). The units disclosed at the footwall of the border are allocated to the Millstatt complex. The hanging wall of the units show similar characteristics to the rocks belonging to the Radenthein complex. Based on the differences between the rock types of the units, it is assumed that they have a different pre alpidic history. In this theses the rocks east of the border are summarized with the name Gratschach complex. The Gratschach complex is composed of mica schist, paragneiss, garnet mica schist, orthogneiss and marble. The garnetporphyroblasts of the garnet mica schists show a polyphase growth zoning.