Abstract (eng)
This diploma thesis was written for the School of Education in the field of education theory and research under the direction of Dr. H. In addition to the theoretical argument, there are the underlying considerations of the treated theme, which were partially newly formulated and exemplarily tested.
In examination of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and its educational system, the research of this work stems from the application of historical, pedagogical video recordings from 1977. Using video recordings of two sessions, one should grapple with the idea of the postulated educational and rearing goals and the realization thereof in the recorded conversations. Furthermore, in particular, the videos themselves should be analyzed so that the verbal and non-verbal components can also be considered.
The essential, substantial elements of this work are the analysis of the historical development of the GDR, the formation of socialist ideals, the school psychology movement, education in GDR times, and finally the systematic analysis of the recordings showing the psychologist with her subject during a session.
The goal then is to discover, if and in what way the the verbal statements of the psychologist affected the reaction of her subject.
This diploma thesis is attached a DVD with the two contained video recordings, which is not accessible for the public domain regarding data protection regulations.