Abstract (eng)
A) Principles
The first part gives an introduction to the history of facsimile. By presenting important inventions in the area of printing technology on the one hand and the area of edition on the other hand, the change in dealing with manuscripts is shown. Karl Lachmanns method of editing is used as the reference for current developments as well as for developments in the last century.
B) Material
The second part of the paper is dealing with the manuscripts of Franz Kafkas Der Process and Friederike Mayröckers Reise Durch die Nacht. After a short summary of the history of publication, the historical-critical editions of the works are examined in their goals and outcomes. Their different approaches to wrtiting will be examined and discussed in full. In the case of Friederike Mayröcker, a range of interviews with the author will be analysed.
C) Embedding the results in cultural theory
The last part shows the change in thinking about manuscripts by the means of Walter Benjamins Das Kunstalter im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit and interlinks it with the aquired results.
In the appendix the interviews with Friederike Mayröcker are listed up and sorted by catchphrases.