Abstract (eng)
Mezzanine capital combines elements of own and external capital, which makes it an extremely flexible source of financing. In some cases, a mezzanine instrument may be structured in a way guaranteeing the participation of a mezzanine investor in the distribution of any extra profit generated as a result of the increase in enterprise value over time, by converting part of the loan into equity. In other cases, where interest income accumulated during the life of the instrument comes first, the structure of a mezzanine product resembles that of a bank debt. This flexibility, arising out of the hybrid nature of mezzanine capital, enables the development of the most optimal structure of financing of a transaction, which is favourable to both the mezzanine provider and the company seeking sources of financing. In the case of mezzanine investments structured with warrants, the mezzanine investor is interested in entity’s successful performance in the future. The option like feature is the one that reduces almost to a minimum the information asymmetry and protects the investor against the possibility that the management team will increase the risk of the company. From the practical point of view, the company attracting mezzanine financing should duly perform its obligations relating to the mezzanine instrument, as thanks to its existence, the return on its own risky capital is improved and thus, new possibilities to make valuable investments occur, which the company would not be able to finance otherwise. From the point of view of senior creditors, the inclusion of a mezzanine instrument into the structure of financing of a transaction improves their position within the hierarchy of security, since in practice the mezzanine capital functions as equity due to its subordinate nature to bank debt. In the cases where the transactions with mezzanine financing involve refinancing and restructuring, senior creditors can even reduce the amount of their credit exposure and thus, to reduce the risk faced by them. In conclusion, we may summarise that mezzanine investors not only act in their own best interest, but to a certain extent also protect the interests of banks and investees, thus improving the effectiveness and contributing to the optimal functioning of capital markets.
If mezzanine financing spreads in Bulgaria, this will complete the palette of financial options available in the country to finance companies with good credit ratings and innovative business ideas, and therefore, it could increase their number in the future. And namely the diversity of options for finding resources is of key importance to the formation of a friendly eco system for the Bulgarian business. At times when it is difficult to find financing and refinancing in Bulgaria, when the traditional channels for attracting capital or debt financing are very limited and will remain such in the foreseeable future, to provide the Bulgarian capital market with mezzanine instruments, as an alternative financing, could fill in the gap formed throughout the years of a tempestuous financial crisis.