Abstract (eng)
For the first time, in Austria’s history a unique event took place: The text of the Austrian national anthem, who was originated in 1947, which only paid homage to „the sons of Austria“ until 2011, was extended by the word „daughters“. Finally, this event was followed by a long political discussion, during which it became evident how different, the opinions of politicians and Austrian citizens were on the gender subject. This master thesis will explore, which role the media and politicians played in this debate.
The first part of the thesis deals with the theoretical background. The Agenda Setting Approach plus the News Factors and Values are explained, plus the genesis of Austrians national anthem and the equality of women's history are described in more detail. Another important point: the description of the political situation, which can be viewed as a catalyst for the heatedness of the debate. The theoretical part will be completed through the explanation of the topics linguistics, gender, nations and nationalism, which are also important for the research.
In the empirical part of this thesis, the research questions will be answered, by analyzing online articles on the topic of the national anthem alteration and were then evaluated by using Mayrings qualitative content analysis. The online articles from the newspapers Kurier, Krone and die Presse were evaluated.