Abstract (eng)
This analysis represents the second part of a moral-theological reflection on Yves Congar’s theology of the laity. Firstly, the central points made in the first part [see Alexander Gaderer, Die Laientheologie Yves Congars aus moraltheologischer Sicht. Der moralische Status des Laienstands, Masters Dissertation, University of Vienna, 2013] will be recapitulated and taken further. A new aspect in this context is the investigation of Congar’s anthropology.
Once this theoretical base is established, concrete dimensions and fields of action are considered from a practical-ethical perspective. This comes down to two questions: (1) what guides the action of the single lay-person, and (2) what guides its concrete expression?
In the final part of the dissertation, the results of this analysis are reflected upon from a moral-theological point of view. Aporia are identified, and as the various possibilities it leaves for future engagements with this issue are discussed.