Abstract (eng)
The present work deals with the themes of sexual violence and protest movements in post-revolutionary Egypt and explores their dynamic relationships. The focus of the study is on processes within social movements that promote such violence and it places these processes in the context of theories of sexual violence. A review of the literature was selected as the methodological approach, which allows scholarly writings to be analyzed based on a structuralist content analysis of their descriptions of the acts of sexual violence. First the political upheavals and the time after Mubarak’s fall are contextualized, in order to outline the basic subject of the research. A theoretical discussion of the aforementioned topics follows, making possible a treatment of these relationships from a feminist perspective. In the subsequent section, the research approach is outlined. In the process, the central question of this paper is introduced, and the main body of the analysis and its approach is discussed in detail. In the evaluation, the corpus of writings is examined based on a variety of preselected categories in order to analyze the articles’ examples of sexual violence. Particular attention is paid to dynamics that lead to violence, in order to understand how these attacks were possible. Finally, the coping strategies of the victims and the associated possibilities for change in feminist activism will be addressed.