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Title (eng)
Transnational Organized Crime in the Context of Internet
Parallel title (deu)
Grenzüberschreitende organisierte Kriminalität im Kontext des Internets
Xiangxia Li
Susanne Reindl-Krauskopf
Christian Grafl
Frank Höpfel
Abstract (deu)
Organisierte Kriminalität ist seit Jahrhunderten ein bekanntes Phänomen. Verglichen hierzu ist die Internetkriminalität ein Phänomen, welche seit 20 Jahren besteht. Die Internetkriminalität ist verbunden mit Informationstechnologie, welche von Kriminellen weltweit verwendet wird. Darüberhinaus hat die organisierte Kriminalität den Vorteil der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, nämlich, ICTs, um weltweit organisiert diese auszuüben. Die Verbindung von transnational organisierter Kriminalität und Cyberkriminalität bingt einen neue Art von transnational organisierter Kriminalität hervor. Diese Dissertation behandelt basierend auf der immer mehr ernstzunehmenden transnational, organisierten Cyberkriminalität in 6 Kapiteln die Auswirkungen, zeigt neue Trends auf und beschreibt die juristische Praxis. Darüberhinaus werden Vorschläge zum Lösen dieser Probleme beschrieben. Kapitel 1 beschreibt die Entwicklung der organisierten Kriminalität und deren Konzept. In diesem Kapitel werden Konzepte von Organisationen und Nationen gegen die organisierte Internetkriminalität und deren zentrale Elemente beschrieben. Kapitel 2 behandelt 250 Fälle und charakterisiert die derzeit orangisierte Kriminalität, neue Trends und deckt auf den speziellen Charakter der transnationalen Cyberkriminalität und deren Entwicklung in der Zukunft. Das 3. Kapitel behandelt die Nachforschung der bestehenden Legislative und der Regulierung sowie der Bekämpfung dieser transnationalen Cyberkrimialität. Diese Dissertation hilft die Gesetzeslücken und die Schwächen aufzuzeigen, welche in der Bekämpfung dieser Art von Kriminalität bestehen. Das 4. Kapitel demonstriert das Dilemma dieser beiden Phänomen und Lösungen hierzu. Dieses Kapitel fokusiert sich auf die Entwicklung der Struktur der traditionell organisierten Kriminalität und der theoretischen Probleme die durch die kriminellen Cyber – Gruppen entstanden sowie dazuführende Gegenmaßnahmen. Kapitel 5 analysiert die Konflikte in der Legislative und der Lösung der transnational orgainiserten Kriminaltität in der Internetära. Es werden Theorien und Methoden beschrieben, um die Gerichtsbarkeit zu lösen. Das Ziel der Dissertation ist den Konflikt der traditionellen Kriminalität im Zusammenspiel mit der Cyberkriminalität zu reduzieren. Kapitel 6 demonstriert Lösungen für die Informatisierung der traditionellen Transnational organisiertes Verbrechen und die Transformation der Cyber-Kriminalität in organisierte Cyberkriminalität. Letztes Kapitel ist eine Zusammenfassung der Disseration. Um effektiv eine transnationale Cyberkriminalität zu verhindern sind 2 Schritte notwendig. Erstens um mit den Anforderungen und den Zwiespalt der Cyberkriminalität effektiv entgegenzutreten muß die Kommunikation dieser verstanden werden. Zweitens regionale und international Rechtssprechung ist wichtig und muß angepaßt werden. Dieses Kapitel zeigt Vorschläge auf um das zu gewährleisten. Diese Dissertation zeigt auf wie die transnational organisierte Kriminalität und die Cyberkriminalität überlappen und einander ergänzen und zu einer transnationalen organisierten Kriminaliät werden. Es wird in dieser das Dilemma zwischen der regionalen Legislative und den internationalen Konventionen beschrieben und abschließend ein Lösungsweg aufgezeigt. Eine vollständig ganzheitliche Lösung kann nicht aufgezeigt werden und weitere Lösungen sind noch zu erarbeiten.
Abstract (eng)
Organized crime is a common phenomenon and not strange for us, compared with it cyber crime can be said an emergent type of crime. The latter is usually closely linked with information communication technologies, which is tried to be utilized by all criminals worldwide. Beyond all doubt, the organized criminal groups also take full advantage of ICTs to commit organized crime worldwide. To some extent, the combination of transnational organized crime and cyber crime bring us a new type of crime, which is cyber transnational organized crime. In consideration of the increasing seriousness of cyber transnational organized crime, this dissertation focuses on its manifestations, the problems which have brought to criminal theories and judicial practices, and the proposals how to solve these problems. So this dissertation is divided into 6 chapters, respectively, Evolution of Organized Crime since 1950s and its concept, Characteristics and New Trends of Organized Crime in the Era of Internet, Investigations on Criminal Legislation and Adjustment of Criminal Policy Combating Cyber Transnational Organized Crime Worldwide in the Internet Age, The Dilemmas of Criminal Theory, Legislative Absence and Judiciary Obstacles when Combating Transnational Organized Crime Worldwide in the Era of Internet, Theoretical Preparations and Legislative Countermeasures Combating Transnational Organized Crime in the Internet Era and Cooperation between Countries at the Regional and International Level Combating Transnational Organized Crime in the Internet Era. Firstly, the chapter 1 demonstrates the development of organized crime and its concept. Because the history of organized crime provides us with a mirror for better understanding the organized crime under the internet age, some countries in Europe, North America, Asia and Oceanica are picked out as the representatives. In this chapter the concepts of some scholars and nations concerning organized crime are also introduced, by means of this introduction the core elements of organized crime’s concept have been defined under the internet age. Secondly, by means of analyzing 250 cases, the chapter 2 illustrates characteristics of present organized crime and new trends of organized crime, which will reveal the distinct characteristics of cyber transnational organized crime and its developing trend in the future, informatization of traditional transnational organized crime and transformation of cyber crime into organized cyber crime. Thirdly, the chapter 3 focuses on investigations on criminal legislation and adjustment of criminal policy combating cyber transnational organized crime worldwide in the internet age. Like as the chapter 2, this chapter also takes some countries in Europe, North America, Asia and Oceanica to introduce their legislation and policy combating against organized crime and cyber crime. And this work can help us know the loopholes and weaknesses when fighting with cyber transnational organized crime. Fourthly, the chapter 4 demonstrates dilemmas of theory of joint crime and resolutions under cyber transnational organized crime. Since cyber transnational organized crime usually involved in more than two countries, and it creates new challenges to the criminal theories and judicial obstacles. One obvious challenge is the dilemmas of the theory of joint crime. This chapter focuses on the evolution of the structure of traditional organized crimes, the theoretical problems brought by structure of cyber organized criminal groups and corresponding countermeasures. Fifthly, the chapter 5 analyzes conflicts of jurisdiction and corresponding solutions of transnational organized crime in the internet era, these conflicts are other problems result in internet and internet-related ICTs. Under the circumstance of cyber transnational organized crime, the actus reus and criminal results are often located in different countries. As the matter of fact, more than two countries would claim criminal jurisdiction over this crime, and then the conflicts of jurisdiction will be increased more than before. After analyzing some theories and methods to solve criminal jurisdiction of cyber crimes, the principle substantive damage is advocated by this dissertation, which aims to reduce the increasing conflicts of criminal jurisdiction about cyber transnational organized crime. Finally, the chapter 6 demonstrates solutions for informatization of traditional transnational organized crime and transformation of cyber crime into organized cyber crime. As the final chapter of this dissertation, it also can be said a summary of the whole dissertation. In order to effectively prevent cyber transnational organized crimes, two steps need to be done: firstly, this chapter reaffirms two trends of organized crimes, informatization of traditional transnational organized crime and transformation of cyber crime into organized cyber crime, which were proposed in chapter 2. In order to cope with challenges and dilemmas brought by these two trends, theoretical researches need to be fully and deeply carried out by the theoretical communication; secondly, In view of cyber transnational organized crime cannot be definitely coped with by an individual country, regional and international judicial cooperation against cyber transnational organized crime is also urgent and important for the present situation, this chapter gives some proposals for combating against cyber transnational organized crimes. This dissertation takes a perspective that how the transnational organized crime and cyber crime overlap and combine with each other, which brings us cyber transnational organized crime. The focuses of this dissertation deals with the dilemmas that are created by cyber transnational organized crime, finds the legislative loopholes in domestic law, regional and international conventions combating against transnational organized crime and cyber crime and gives some suggestive proposals to solve these problems. However, there is no end, the other new challenges are generated by cyber transnational organized crime still need to be further researched.
Keywords (eng)
Transnational Organized CrimeCybercrimeInformationCommunication TechnologiesTheory of Joint CrimeJurisdiction
Keywords (deu)
Subject (deu)
Subject (deu)
Type (deu)
Persistent identifier
rdau:P60550 (deu)
249 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
Number of pages
Members (1)
Title (eng)
Transnational Organized Crime in the Context of Internet
Parallel title (deu)
Grenzüberschreitende organisierte Kriminalität im Kontext des Internets
Xiangxia Li
Abstract (deu)
Organisierte Kriminalität ist seit Jahrhunderten ein bekanntes Phänomen. Verglichen hierzu ist die Internetkriminalität ein Phänomen, welche seit 20 Jahren besteht. Die Internetkriminalität ist verbunden mit Informationstechnologie, welche von Kriminellen weltweit verwendet wird. Darüberhinaus hat die organisierte Kriminalität den Vorteil der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, nämlich, ICTs, um weltweit organisiert diese auszuüben. Die Verbindung von transnational organisierter Kriminalität und Cyberkriminalität bingt einen neue Art von transnational organisierter Kriminalität hervor. Diese Dissertation behandelt basierend auf der immer mehr ernstzunehmenden transnational, organisierten Cyberkriminalität in 6 Kapiteln die Auswirkungen, zeigt neue Trends auf und beschreibt die juristische Praxis. Darüberhinaus werden Vorschläge zum Lösen dieser Probleme beschrieben. Kapitel 1 beschreibt die Entwicklung der organisierten Kriminalität und deren Konzept. In diesem Kapitel werden Konzepte von Organisationen und Nationen gegen die organisierte Internetkriminalität und deren zentrale Elemente beschrieben. Kapitel 2 behandelt 250 Fälle und charakterisiert die derzeit orangisierte Kriminalität, neue Trends und deckt auf den speziellen Charakter der transnationalen Cyberkriminalität und deren Entwicklung in der Zukunft. Das 3. Kapitel behandelt die Nachforschung der bestehenden Legislative und der Regulierung sowie der Bekämpfung dieser transnationalen Cyberkrimialität. Diese Dissertation hilft die Gesetzeslücken und die Schwächen aufzuzeigen, welche in der Bekämpfung dieser Art von Kriminalität bestehen. Das 4. Kapitel demonstriert das Dilemma dieser beiden Phänomen und Lösungen hierzu. Dieses Kapitel fokusiert sich auf die Entwicklung der Struktur der traditionell organisierten Kriminalität und der theoretischen Probleme die durch die kriminellen Cyber – Gruppen entstanden sowie dazuführende Gegenmaßnahmen. Kapitel 5 analysiert die Konflikte in der Legislative und der Lösung der transnational orgainiserten Kriminaltität in der Internetära. Es werden Theorien und Methoden beschrieben, um die Gerichtsbarkeit zu lösen. Das Ziel der Dissertation ist den Konflikt der traditionellen Kriminalität im Zusammenspiel mit der Cyberkriminalität zu reduzieren. Kapitel 6 demonstriert Lösungen für die Informatisierung der traditionellen Transnational organisiertes Verbrechen und die Transformation der Cyber-Kriminalität in organisierte Cyberkriminalität. Letztes Kapitel ist eine Zusammenfassung der Disseration. Um effektiv eine transnationale Cyberkriminalität zu verhindern sind 2 Schritte notwendig. Erstens um mit den Anforderungen und den Zwiespalt der Cyberkriminalität effektiv entgegenzutreten muß die Kommunikation dieser verstanden werden. Zweitens regionale und international Rechtssprechung ist wichtig und muß angepaßt werden. Dieses Kapitel zeigt Vorschläge auf um das zu gewährleisten. Diese Dissertation zeigt auf wie die transnational organisierte Kriminalität und die Cyberkriminalität überlappen und einander ergänzen und zu einer transnationalen organisierten Kriminaliät werden. Es wird in dieser das Dilemma zwischen der regionalen Legislative und den internationalen Konventionen beschrieben und abschließend ein Lösungsweg aufgezeigt. Eine vollständig ganzheitliche Lösung kann nicht aufgezeigt werden und weitere Lösungen sind noch zu erarbeiten.
Abstract (eng)
Organized crime is a common phenomenon and not strange for us, compared with it cyber crime can be said an emergent type of crime. The latter is usually closely linked with information communication technologies, which is tried to be utilized by all criminals worldwide. Beyond all doubt, the organized criminal groups also take full advantage of ICTs to commit organized crime worldwide. To some extent, the combination of transnational organized crime and cyber crime bring us a new type of crime, which is cyber transnational organized crime. In consideration of the increasing seriousness of cyber transnational organized crime, this dissertation focuses on its manifestations, the problems which have brought to criminal theories and judicial practices, and the proposals how to solve these problems. So this dissertation is divided into 6 chapters, respectively, Evolution of Organized Crime since 1950s and its concept, Characteristics and New Trends of Organized Crime in the Era of Internet, Investigations on Criminal Legislation and Adjustment of Criminal Policy Combating Cyber Transnational Organized Crime Worldwide in the Internet Age, The Dilemmas of Criminal Theory, Legislative Absence and Judiciary Obstacles when Combating Transnational Organized Crime Worldwide in the Era of Internet, Theoretical Preparations and Legislative Countermeasures Combating Transnational Organized Crime in the Internet Era and Cooperation between Countries at the Regional and International Level Combating Transnational Organized Crime in the Internet Era. Firstly, the chapter 1 demonstrates the development of organized crime and its concept. Because the history of organized crime provides us with a mirror for better understanding the organized crime under the internet age, some countries in Europe, North America, Asia and Oceanica are picked out as the representatives. In this chapter the concepts of some scholars and nations concerning organized crime are also introduced, by means of this introduction the core elements of organized crime’s concept have been defined under the internet age. Secondly, by means of analyzing 250 cases, the chapter 2 illustrates characteristics of present organized crime and new trends of organized crime, which will reveal the distinct characteristics of cyber transnational organized crime and its developing trend in the future, informatization of traditional transnational organized crime and transformation of cyber crime into organized cyber crime. Thirdly, the chapter 3 focuses on investigations on criminal legislation and adjustment of criminal policy combating cyber transnational organized crime worldwide in the internet age. Like as the chapter 2, this chapter also takes some countries in Europe, North America, Asia and Oceanica to introduce their legislation and policy combating against organized crime and cyber crime. And this work can help us know the loopholes and weaknesses when fighting with cyber transnational organized crime. Fourthly, the chapter 4 demonstrates dilemmas of theory of joint crime and resolutions under cyber transnational organized crime. Since cyber transnational organized crime usually involved in more than two countries, and it creates new challenges to the criminal theories and judicial obstacles. One obvious challenge is the dilemmas of the theory of joint crime. This chapter focuses on the evolution of the structure of traditional organized crimes, the theoretical problems brought by structure of cyber organized criminal groups and corresponding countermeasures. Fifthly, the chapter 5 analyzes conflicts of jurisdiction and corresponding solutions of transnational organized crime in the internet era, these conflicts are other problems result in internet and internet-related ICTs. Under the circumstance of cyber transnational organized crime, the actus reus and criminal results are often located in different countries. As the matter of fact, more than two countries would claim criminal jurisdiction over this crime, and then the conflicts of jurisdiction will be increased more than before. After analyzing some theories and methods to solve criminal jurisdiction of cyber crimes, the principle substantive damage is advocated by this dissertation, which aims to reduce the increasing conflicts of criminal jurisdiction about cyber transnational organized crime. Finally, the chapter 6 demonstrates solutions for informatization of traditional transnational organized crime and transformation of cyber crime into organized cyber crime. As the final chapter of this dissertation, it also can be said a summary of the whole dissertation. In order to effectively prevent cyber transnational organized crimes, two steps need to be done: firstly, this chapter reaffirms two trends of organized crimes, informatization of traditional transnational organized crime and transformation of cyber crime into organized cyber crime, which were proposed in chapter 2. In order to cope with challenges and dilemmas brought by these two trends, theoretical researches need to be fully and deeply carried out by the theoretical communication; secondly, In view of cyber transnational organized crime cannot be definitely coped with by an individual country, regional and international judicial cooperation against cyber transnational organized crime is also urgent and important for the present situation, this chapter gives some proposals for combating against cyber transnational organized crimes. This dissertation takes a perspective that how the transnational organized crime and cyber crime overlap and combine with each other, which brings us cyber transnational organized crime. The focuses of this dissertation deals with the dilemmas that are created by cyber transnational organized crime, finds the legislative loopholes in domestic law, regional and international conventions combating against transnational organized crime and cyber crime and gives some suggestive proposals to solve these problems. However, there is no end, the other new challenges are generated by cyber transnational organized crime still need to be further researched.
Keywords (eng)
Transnational Organized CrimeCybercrimeInformationCommunication TechnologiesTheory of Joint CrimeJurisdiction
Keywords (deu)
Subject (deu)
Subject (deu)
Type (deu)
Persistent identifier
Number of pages