Abstract (eng)
The aim of the present diploma thesis was to revise and validate the developmental screening questionnaire ESH 6-10 (Entwicklungsscreening für den Einsatz im Hort – Altersgruppe 6-10-Jährige; Deimann, Kastner-Koller, Hasenhindl, Kremser, Kunst, Matschiner & Neugschwentner, 2014), with a special focus on social-emotional development. The ESH 6-10 is a rating scale used by after-school care educationists to evaluate normal and abnormal development in 6- to 10-year old children in five relevant areas: working attitude, achievement motivation, personality (externalizing and internalizing problems), speech and social behavior. In a pretest 150 children were rated by after-school care educationists of the organization “Kinder in Wien (KIWI)”, using the revised version of the ESH 6-10. Those with the highest and the lowest ratings were selected for the validation study. The sample consisted of 42 children (20 girls, 22 boys) aged from 8 to 10 years, coming from 9 day care centers of KIWI. The extreme groups “normal development” and “abnormal development” each consisted of 21 children. Construct validity (extreme group validation) and concurrent validity were examined using well-established tests. Results of the multivariate analysis confirmed significant differences between the extreme groups. The group membership, based on the ratings in the ESH 6-10, explained 50 percent variance of the results in SELLMO-S, PFK 9-14 and SDQ-Deu (parents). Further analysis showed significant correlations between the social-emotional development areas of the ESH 6-10 – achievement motivation, personality (externalizing and internalizing problems) and social behavior – and corresponding scales in SELLMO-S, PFK 9-14 and SDQ-Deu (parents) with middle to large effect sizes.