Abstract (eng)
The diploma thesis „Mehrsprachigkeit im Deutschunterricht als Antwort auf sprachlich heterogene Klassen in der Sekundarstufe“ is initially going to address the theoretical perspective of plurilingualism within the school system. German classes are going to be brought into focus specifically, for they represent an integral part in children’s and adolescents’ language education. The first question of importance is whether German classes in schools respond adequately to existing plurilingualism among students, or are able to do so. Additionally, the manner in which plurilingual elements are being implemented in class is going to be examined. To make this possible, the focus of research lies on the usage of textbooks as a central constituent in German class. To this end, a number of books were gone through and subjected to the method of textbook analysis. To realize the analysis, the creation of a rating sheet modelled after existing sheets as well as the Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches was crucial. The results show that, independent of school type or level of education, findings on pluriligualism didactics are already being implemented partially. However, these findings were not considered throughout the entire conceptual process of the textbooks and therefore were not acknowledged in all of the different subject areas.