Abstract (eng)
As traditional development tests mostly do not respond to the needs of two-year-olds or have other deficiencies and existing play-based methods do not sufficiently meet the quality criteria, a play-based development test was developed within a project of Deimann and Kastner-Koller in 2011. This new procedure combines the play-based approach with the standards on traditional development tests. The aim of this master thesis is to determine the test-retest-reliability of the cognitive area of the play-based method for two-year-olds. For this purpose, 21 children (14 girls and 7 boys), between 24 and 36 months of age, were tested twice at intervals of four to six weeks. The total scale of cognitive development is formed from the scale theory of mind and numeric knowledge, comprises a total of 18 items and has good test-retest-reliability of rtt = 820. For the individual scales test-retest-reliability lies between rtt = .46 and rtt = .90. In addition, the internal consistency was calculated for all scales and an item analysis was performed. According to the calculations, the total scale of cognitive development meets the requirements of a development test. In order to hedge the results a recalculation of the test-retest-reliability on a larger and more representative sample is recommended.