Abstract (eng)
We show that, under the assumption of the existence of $M_1^{\#}$,
there exists a model on which the restricted nonstationary ideal $\NSA$ is $\aleph_2$-saturated, for $A$ a stationary
co-stationary subset of $\omega_1$, while the full nonstationary ideal $\NS$
can be made $\Delta_1$ definable with $\omega_1$ as a parameter. Further
we show, again under the assumption of the existence of $M_1^{\#}$ that there is a model of set theory such that
$\NS$ is $\aleph_2$-saturated and such that there is lightface $\Sigma^1_4$-definable well-order on the reals.
This result is optimal in the presence of a measurable cardinal.