Abstract (eng)
The current thesis investigates the mechanical properties and phase transformations in biocompatible Ti-Nb alloys before and after processing with different methods of „Severe Plastic Deformation – SPD“. The phase structure of the Ti-Nb alloys has a strong impact to the mechanical properties like the strength as well as the elastic constants. These quantities are highly important for the materials’ suitability for orthopaedic applications. Here a sufficient strength of the implant is equally essential as a low Young’s modulus, in order to avoid the adverse stress shielding effect which, after orthopaedic surgery, might lead to the successive degradation of the bone.
As the Young’s modulus of Ti-Nb alloys shows two pronounced minima at compositions near 16.0 and 45.0 wt.% Nb, these alloys were selected for this thesis. Different SPD techniques including high pressure torsion (HPT), and rolling and folding (R&F) were applied.
In case of Ti–16.1 wt.% Nb, SPD processing strongly affected the phase stability. Even if a hydrostatic pressure was applied solely, a partial transformation of the parent α”- martensite to the ω-phase and α/α′ occurred. Adding plastic shear deformation by HPT a nanocrystalline ω-phase formed at the expense of parent α” which – according to in-situ Synchrotron diffraction experiments – showed a very high thermal stability. Annealing after HPT yielded an ultrafine grained and equiaxed (α+β) phase structure which hardly can be reached by another processing route. The SPD induced formation of the ω-phase was also the reason why the Young’s modulus of the Ti–16.1 Nb alloy strongly increased, which has been confirmed by successfully modelling the Young’s modulus in terms of the measured phase fractions using a rule of mixture. Considering the plastic strength of the material, not only marked dislocation and grain boundary hardening occurred but also a large strength increase of the phase fractions was observed. Again, modelling with a rule of mixture was successful.
In case of SPD processed Ti–45.0 wt.% Nb, no phase transformations occurred; therefore the apparent Young’s modulus did not increase upon SPD, even slightly decreased because of SPD specific texture evolution. In spite of missing hardening from phase transformation, the HPT induced increase of strength was still pronounced while maintaining a considerable ductility. This is very promising for the applicability of this alloy for medical implants having a strong potential to substitute traditional implant materials such as Ti–6Al–4V containing toxic elements.