Abstract (eng)
This thesis covers the topic of dyscalculia in maths lessons and discusses possible suggestions for the diagnosis and encouragement of children suffering from dyscalculia. Therefore, the main research question of this thesis is how dyscalculia can be identified, and which possibilities of diagnosing and supporting can be applied by teachers.
First, a general overview of the extensive term dyscalculia will be presented, and the difficulty of the definition of this term illustrated. Furthermore, different deficits children suffering from dyscalculia can have will be addressed. Subsequently, various mathematical skills which need to be acquired at the beginning of children’s school careers, and the possible challenges these can pose will be dealt with. Therefore, a separate chapter will inform about a variety of different diagnostic options. Finally, a number of supporting measures relevant to dyscalculia will be described.
This paper clarifies that there is no certain formula for the diagnosis of dyscalculia and the assistance of children suffering from this disease, and that children have to be supported individually.