Abstract (eng)
This diploma thesis discusses the meaning, characteristics and importance of graphical representations. Furthermore, it contains a comparison of two school textbooks.
The first part of the thesis deals with graphical representations in general. First, the visual and the auditory sensory channels are compared, and afterwards the characteristics, advantages and importance of graphical representations are analysed. In addition the disadvantages and problems when using these visualizations in mathematics lessons are discussed.
Afterwards the topics “Fractions” and “Statistics” are analysed. The importance of using graphical representations when teaching these topics is obvious.
In the second part of the thesis, two school textbooks, that are used in lower grades, are compared. The first book “Mathematik verstehen 1-3” was recently published, while the other book, “100% Mathematik 1-3”, was released ten years ago in Germany and republished eight years later in Austria.
Corresponding to the insights of the first part of the thesis, a guideline to help structure the comparison of the textbooks is developed.
Based on this guideline, the topics “Fractions” and “Statistics”, appearing in both books, are compared and analysed regarding graphical representations.
The aim of this thesis it to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of both books. Furthermore, it is discussed, whether the aspects mentioned in the first part and the guideline are well implemented or if some of them are neglected.