Abstract (eng)
Lentiviral gene delivery systems are widely used for gene delivery, as they show high transduction efficiency, long-term expression stability, and transduction of both dividing and non-dividing cells. However, due to semi-random insertions and integration of variable insert numbers, lentiviral transgenes are also subjected to different epigenetic effects, which can subsequently lead to high variegation in expression or gene silencing. In this work, we characterized the long-term expression stability of lentivirally introduced reporter gene eGFPLuc (a fusion between the fluorescent protein eGFP and the firefly luciferase Luc) under the control of either the constitutive active PGK promoter (PGK-eGFPLuc) or the Wnt pathway-dependent synthetic promoter CTP4 (CTP4-eGFPLuc) in the MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line. Based on our measurements, we concluded long-term expression stability of PGK-eGFPLuc inserts in MDA-MB-231 cell line, but no definite conclusions for lentiviral CTP4-eGFPLuc inserts were possible. Furthermore, the assessment of respective promoter activities characterized PGK as approximately 15-fold stronger promoter in comparison to CTP4 in MDA-MB-231 cell line. In addition, we focused on the establishment of homogeneous cell line subtypes originating from a single cell and their transgene expression characterization. In this line, we successfully established 3 new MDA-MB-231 subtypes, but unexpectedly the characterization revealed maintenance of their highly heterogeneous profiles.
In the second part of this work, we compared the lentivirally created sublines to the original MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cell line, in terms of their tumorigenic (non-adherent colony formation) and metastatic potentials (cell motility) as key cancer characteristics. Two different non-adherent colony formation assays in soft agar and methyl cellulose were applied, and a scratch-wound assay with two different starvation settings. Tumorigenic potential of lentivirally transduced subtypes was significantly reduced, whereas their metastatic potential remained the same. Moreover, the comparison of basal-like MDA-MB-231 to the luminal breast cancer cell line MCF7 was addressed, confirming slightly higher tumorigenic potential of basal-like cells. Lastly, we combined soft agar colony formation assay with single cell culture to observe individual spheroid growth.