Abstract (eng)
Nowadays, the rise of Euroscepticism among mainstream political parties cannot be denied anymore and this is the reason why the master thesis’ topic particularly concentrates on this phenomenon. The purpose is to further investigate and identify to what extent Eurosceptic stances can be found in the Dutch “People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy” (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie – VVD), with specific regard to their current European policy.
First, the theoretical framework, including the necessary typology and causes for Euroscepticism in party systems, was presented. Considerations of Taggart and Szczerbiak (2003) and Kopecký and Mudde (2002) were primarily taken into account. Second, specific background information on the political party, such as the party’s main goals, development and European policy since the nineties, served as an adequate basis for the then following qualitative analysis of the current party program 2017-2021. In the context of the EU connected with the European integration, the VVD’s current European policy was analyzed. Finally, the written viewpoints revealed to what extent the Dutch mainstream political party holds Eurosceptic positions.
Regarding the results of the qualitative analysis, it can be concluded that even though the VVD was argued to be a strong supporter for European integration in the beginning, this position changed significantly over the years. The VVD is not against the European Union or European integration, neither entirely in favor but rather sceptical and pragmatic about it. Favoring the Dutch economy, by boosting international trade and improving the position on the internal market, is the VVD’s main aim in the sense of their European policy. In conclusion, the results provide some support for assuming that the Dutch mainstream political party holds Eurosceptic stances concerning specific European policy areas.