Abstract (eng)
This paper discusses the need for a definition of the term “partnership” in the development field. Fact is that the international relationships between north and south development agencies, since the 1990s, are mainly described as partnerships without providing a specific definition for that term. In a time, when everything has to be defined, from democracy, to economic relations, to development itself, how come that “partnership” in an developmental vocabulary seems to be the exception. The issue with not defining anything, is that it leaves a lot of space for assumptions and allows many forms of implementation. By analysing the understanding of partnerships in the development field and by opting for a global definition, relationships between “donors” and “recipients” can be changed on a bigger scale. First partnerships can be lifted out of their prejudices of blurry concepts and the only purpose to morally rehabilitate the aid industry. Secondly, a partnership can be made measurable and can be evaluated. This thesis takes a closer look at the relationship between central american Nicaragua and central european Austria, who are most likely seen as the perfect example of a development partnership due to their long-term relationship. The period of investigation starts from 1986, when the first official cooperation was signed, until the closure of the coordination office in Managua 2011-2013.
This thesis hypothesis were, that Austria implemented the concept of partnership as an answer to the international hype of the 1990s. And due to the lack of a firm definition and a vage understanding of partnership in the Austrian development agencies, partnerships are a mind set and a goal, but not yet a stable relationship.
Beside a historical introduction on partnerships and its varying definitions, this thesis describes the international partnership intentions as well as the Nicaraguan and the Austrian, to analyse the similarities and the differences. Digging deeper, significant representators of the Austrian Ministry and state development Agencies have been interviewed, who have been working with and in Nicaragua for years. The specific interest was based on the austrian state agencies. Due to these interviews the perception of partnerships for the Austrian development state agencies could be analysed. And by analysing their specific statements a suggestion for a definition of Austrian development partnerships was created. Based on this definition the actual relationship between Austria and Nicaragua from 1986 to 2012 has been analysed, to examine if such a partnership had been implemented. Beside the interviews, also historical sources, documents and similar master theses, as well as the corresponding Austrian 3-year-programmes have been analysed.
The results were the established proposal for a definition on partnership as much as the conclusion that such a partnership did not exist between Austria and Nicaragua, because this kind of partnership is until now a goal and an idea, not an implemented relationship.
Therefor some hypothesis could be verified to date, while others need further research or have been rejected. This thesis intends to intensify the discussion on this topic. A recommendation for a partnership definition for the Austrian development agencies has been made and the need for additional analysis, debates and studies, as well in Austria, as in other countries might be needed.