Abstract (eng)
The continuous development of advertising strategies and their adaptation to the use of the media by society requires continual further studies in the field of advertising impact research. In the context of influencer marketing on Instagram, product placement such as an advertising strategy is a particular focus of interest in this master thesis. At the core, the work is dedicated to the investigation of a specific type of product placement, which is called Character-Product-Interaction (CPI) and of the effect of its disclosure by use of #ad. Different definitions and a limitation of different forms of product placement served to adapt the broad topic to the subject of the study. International studies about disclosure effects of product placement and about the presentation of brand objects in interaction with a character, as well as the Persuasion Knowledge Model, the Reactance Theory and the theory of second-hand learning provided the basis of this thesis.
In this master thesis the impact of CPI product placement and of advertising disclosure on the effectiveness of product placement on Instagram has been explored through theo- retical foundations and a specifically conducted study. In the study, 251 people partici- pated in a controlled experiment accompanied by an online survey. Participants were randomly assigned to one of five manipulated Instagram profiles, which differed in terms of disclosure (with / without #ad) and in the form of product placement (with / without CPI).
Results indicate that CPI and advertising disclosure of product placement do not lead to an increased activation of their persuasion knowledge. Subsequently, no negative impact on the influencer’s credibility could be found in this context. In addition, CPI product placement does not significantly increase cognitive outcomes such as brand recognition or recall. Furthermore, neither CPI product placement nor advertising disclosure has any impact on the effectiveness of product placement in terms of brand attitude on the affec- tive and of brand choice on the conative level. Nevertheless, it was found that placing a brand object on Instagram itself leads to activation of the persuasion knowledge.