Abstract (eng)
How do students at “Neue Mittelschule” (“New Secondary Schools”, NMS) see their future? What are their educational and career goals, and their wishes regarding family life? In particular, are there gender typical patterns between boys and girls? The following thesis analyzes these topics based on data from the pilot study “Wege in die Zukunft – Eine Längsschnittstudie über die Vergesellschaftung junger Menschen in Wien” (“Paths to the Future – A Longitudinal Study on the Socialization of Youth in Vienna”) from the Institute of Sociology at the University of Vienna. Both the doing gender approach by Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman, as well as the undoing gender approach of Stefan Hirschauer and Helga Kotthoff’s “5 Ebenen der Relevantsetzung von gender” (“5 Levels of Gender Relevance”) are examined from a social constructivism perspective. The pilot study includes 21 narrative biographic interviews of graduates – 16 boys and 5 girls from a NMS in Vienna – which were analyzed according to Ulrike Froschauer’s and Manfred Lueger’s Themenanalyse. The results show differences between boys’ and girls’ visions of their future, with career goals and aspects of family life being the most strongly influenced by gender stereotypes.