Abstract (eng)
The ORF and the „diseased continent“. Old stereotypes in new coverage
This master thesis deals with the recirculation of colonial stereotypes about the construct Africa in documentary television formats of the Austrian TV-channels ORF 1 and ORF 2. As precise example functions the Ebola-coverage between 27th of June and 5th of August 2014. Based on a historical and a theoretical background the aim of this paper is to uncover those attributions and to stimulate a discussion.
In connection with the medial reporting concerning this subject, so called Othering sticks out, the construction of the “others” and the “self”. Furthermore, three results are significant. Firstly, the entire continent Africa is portrayed as “diseased”, even though only Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia were affected at that time. Secondly, the analysed formats show eurocentristic tendencies in the course of asking about the menace for Europe. Thirdly, according to the medial presentation of the Ebola-topic in western Africa, a hierarchy concerning competences of healing is generated, where western solutions stand at the top.