Abstract (eng)
High Sensitivity or Sensory Processing Sensitivity is a relatively new psychological concept, which describes a genetically determined personality trait of individuals who, the higher the severity, perceive and process more deeply environmental stimuli of any kind. The aim of this study is to investigate high sensitivity in psychotherapeutic research for the first time and to derive relevant variables for further studies. For this purpose, this study makes use of the concepts of inter- and intrasession processes, which provide information about the subjective perception of study participants concerning the course of their psychotherapy through an online questionnaire. The sample consists of German-speaking persons (N = 49; 39 females, 10 males) who just begun an outpatient psychotherapy. Age ranges between 18 and 58 years (M = 30.51, SD = 8.76). Intersession processes „emotional quality of the after-effects of therapy“ (R² = .146, F(2, 46) = 3.929, p = .027)
and, in case of male gender, „ intensity of examination of therapeutic contents“ (R² = .677, F(1, 6) = 12.570, p = .012) and „quality of the inner examination of therapy“ (R² = .853, F(2, 6) = 17.473, p = .003) were relevant variables. For intrasession processes, no influential variables could be identified, with age taking a moderating role in the relationship between high sensitivity and the intrasession process „confusion“ (B = -.006, p = .023). Therefore, it is primarily the emotional aspects in dealing with psychotherapy that should be investigated further, taking into account the influences of age and gender.