Video recording of the third talk in the webinar "Repositories for Research Data (InvenioRDM)" on the topic "Repository of the TU Graz" that took place on November 18, 2021, 10:00 to 11:30, online, as part of the event series "Research Data Management in Austria".
InvenioRDM is a turn-key RDM repository platform based on Invenio Framework and Zenodo. It provides a wide range of features that ensure good research data practice and the implementation of the FAIR principles. Data stored in the repository is given a permanent address (D.O.I., digital object identifier), which makes it easier to find and access and increases its citability.
InvenioRDM is a dynamic open source project with a worldwide community coordinated by CERN. In this webinar you will receive information on the latest developments and future plans from the project management at CERN. Software developers, technical leads and repository managers from TU Graz, TU Vienna and University of Innsbruck report on the rollout at Austrian universities and provide practical experience with InvenioRDM.