Abstract (eng)
Title: “Comparison between two nutrition counselling methods for diverticulosis/diverticulitis in the clinical setting”
Background and aim: In this thesis, the results of 60 patients which visited the clinic Landstraße in Vienna, Austria during December 2019 to November 2020 are examined. The aim was to compare two methods of nutrition counseling with the goal to make the information transfer sustainable and time efficient.
The main question was whether patients remember more information after receiving counselling either in a written form, using a leaflet, or a visual form, using a power point. The focus was drawn on generating an efficient workflow for dietitians which therefore leads to a positive influence on the disease. Further, extracting innovative approaches for nutrition counseling was aimed for. The work of the dietitian is intended to be as fruitful as possible, as the results can be used broadly.
Methods: Patients received a quantitative questionnaire after their counselling which was either performed solemnly with visual or written recommendations. The data analysis was performed with SPSS Version 26.
Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups of counselling forms, hence making the methods directly comparable. In conclusion, the information was retained similarly in both groups.
Conclusion: The type of counselling used within the clinic should be chosen accordingly to the patient. Individuals with limited language proficiency potentially benefit more from a visually based counselling.