Abstract (eng)
Due to digitalization, a change in learning is taking place. Especially the current Covid-19 situation shows that the implementation of digitalization in Austrian schools is gaining more and more importance and must continue to develop.
The objective of this thesis is to investigate the use of digital media in the practical teaching of nutrition education. With the help of a micro-teaching lesson, the use of digital media in the phase of food preparation (explanatory video on tablet) was investigated.
First, a qualitative-empirical research design was created, which included the planning of the micro-teaching lessons and the development of the survey form for the students. Then, the qualitative-empirical investigation took place, in which students were filmed during food preparation. A special focus during the selective transcription and the creation of still sequences from the data material (Dinkelacker & Herrle, 2009) as well as during evaluation by means of structuring qualitative content analysis (Mayring, 2015) was on the use of the chosen digital medium. The micro-teaching lesson was also evaluated from the perspective of the participants by means of the survey forms.
The key findings of the qualitative research are that the use of the digital medium (explanatory video on tablet) enables the practical lessons to be conducted in a targeted and individualized manner, particularly because of the flexible ways in which the medium can be used. Thus, the students were able to carry out the steps required to prepare the dish at their own working pace with the help of the explanatory video and with the assistance of the required sequences.
Especially in the areas of independence, individualization and differentiation, positive aspects of the teaching process became apparent. The students were able to carry out several steps from the explanatory video independently and without additional instructions. It can be assumed that the use of explanatory videos on tablets in practical lessons can also increase motivation, interest and independent work among students.
Furthermore, indications regarding the relief of the teacher are recognizable in the video documentations. The teacher takes on an advisory, supporting role. Further investigations are of interest with regard to the school subject lessons, in order to be able to look at the results from the perspective of the practical nutrition lessons with pupils.