Abstract (eng)
Students often have difficulties in understanding processes of plant reproduction, which is an important topic to get an idea of what plants are able to accomplish. Therefore, it represents an interesting object of research for academics due to the wide range of students’ everyday-life-conceptions of the topic, those do not correspond with the science-based correct conceptions mostly. As a missing element in this research area, this master thesis represents the teachers’ perspective. It evaluates, which facets of the pedagogical content knowledge of teachers exist in relation to the topic “plant reproduction”, and if teaching experience causes divergences in this regard. To determine this knowledge, guideline-supported interviews with 12 teachers exhibiting different levels of teaching experience were conducted, using the scientific framework of the concept of „Pedagigical Content Knowledge“. First, the interviews were analysed by using a qualitative content analysis (Mayring, 2008). Afterwards these results were analysed by using methods for coding items according to Park and Oliver (2007), conducted with MAXQDA (VERBI Software, 2019). The results reveal insights into the various aspects of teachers‘ knowledge, for example interest, investigated lessons, instructional strategies, taught concepts or knowledge about students’ conception, and gives insights in the degree of interrelations between these fields expressed by the interviewed teachers. In particular the results illustrate that the teachers’ interest has a huge impact on the lesson design. There is also a connection between teachers’ interest and the choice of method of teaching. For example, all the experienced teacher, who are also all interested in the topic, use vegetable materials in class whereas less experienced teacher, who are nearly all less interested in the topic, in big part don’t use vegetable materials in class. These and many more insights are treated in the chapter “discussion” and provide relevant information for teaching “plant reproduction” as well as for the education of teachers, which could lead to an improvement of them.